We’ve curated a collection of resources from our classes and workshops for you to explore. Use these activities, tools, and how-tos as a starting point — we hope you’ll hack them for whatever challenge you’re working on.

Who CAN benefit from these resources?

Anyone who wants to become more familiar with design thinking can use these activities, tools, and how-tos. Whether you're a college student, business owner, freelance artist, or corporate executive, or simply a curious person, this collection of resources will help you unlock creative thinking in whatever challenge you're tackling.


That depends on the resource itself. Some are full-fledged workshops that you can guide others through. Other resources are short worksheet-based activities. In many, you'll arm yourself with sticky notes and markers to help the ideas flow!


Yes, and we hope you will! Everything here is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial_ShareAlike 4.0 International.

What's this about?

This yearbook is our annual roundup that showcases learning, innovation, and impact from across the entire d.school. 

What's this about?

Our educators’ guides help teachers in higher ed and K-12 facilitate activities from our d.school books.

What's this about?

We’ve pulled together this collection to help you get started doing design work. Inside you’ll find a NEW introductory online workshop, a library of FAQs about how design works, and a couple of handy tools.

What's this about?

Human-centered design offers useful and powerful tools, and it is not enough. A design practice needs to integrate various methods to be most effective. Here’s a collection of readings, case studies, and tools to learn about the core methodologies of INTEGRATIVE DESIGN that you can begin to apply towards complex challenges in the social sector.

What's this about?

We love libraries as much as we love design (almost). That’s what inspired these digital collections. They’re built to help you go beyond the basics and dive deeper into the nuances of design.

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